Sehpolis is divided into three Mahales (urban quarters)

Each housing approx. 1400 to 1600 residents in 3-4 story buildings. The typical residential buildings hold up to 12 apartments, duplexes, and penthouses. Their ground floors and mezzanines are reserved for work and retail premises.

Public buildings, (Museum, Thermes, Schools, College for 38 building Crafts, College for Marine Architecture, Astronomical, and Oceanographic Research stations, Local Government and Administration, Hotels, Hospital, Zurkhaneh, Memorials, Water-towers, Fountains) are designed as Landmark Buildings, adorning prominent locations, vistas, squares, gardens promontories.

The walled horticultural and agricultural farms deliver local markets with fresh produce.

The vast vaulted 1000 X 80m undercroft of the airport runway is divided into three compartments. The largest serves as a water cistern modeled on the monumental Kish or Constantinople cisterns. The smaller sections serve as dry storage and vehicle park and repair and bomb shelter.

The Observatory mound holds meteorological and astronomical observation stations, seminar rooms, scientist residences

Hotels are located along the ocean promenades and parkways.

Park-promenades and small white beaches encircle the island on all sides.

Christian Church
Silos and farm-buildings face the Hotel Tower and Kola Farangi Odeon of Mahale East
East corniche with Hafez Poetry Recital Pavilion, and Salasel Castle in the background
South corniche, view looking east toward Tolu Lighthouse, and boat building yard structures
Salasel Castle on the East corniche
Sehpolis Harbor, view looking north
Full moon over Sehpolis Harbor, Salasel Castle, Tolu Lighthouse, and boat building yard structures